Sunday 26 July 2009

Slight Change in Plans

Hi Everyone,

There has been a slight change in plans for Heart of the Matter this month, and I will not be able to do the round-up because I had to leave town unexpectedly. Please send your HotM entries to my co-host, Ilva, at Lucullian Delights. Her email is luculliandelights AT gmail DOT com. If you have already sent in your entry to me, please know that I have forwarded it on to her, so there is no need to re-send it if you have already. I apologize for the change and will see you next month.

The Accidental Scientist

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Christine said...

Hope everything is okay and see you back soon.

Rachael said...

Hope things are okay and you have a safe return back to us.

Owyn from Medifast Coupons said...

Life can have many unexpected events. Hope to see you back soon.

Michelle said...

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for your thoughts and your concern - they are appreciated. I'm back and we'll get back on track!

Thank you!